In case any of you were not aware, there is a hunt going on at Skin Fair and I meandered over there yesterday evening to take a peek. Whilst there, I ran into quite a few pixelettes and at least one pixelman. Scar Ayres astonished me with her Shoulder Sitter Skillz and then Whimsy Winx, Sai Pennell, Phinn Boffin, Hepzibah Beaumont, Gary Beebe, Tesa Jewell and even the fabulous Celebrity Trollop arrived to join us in the attempt to hold the record for most people standing on heads, at Skin Fair, at least.
The following two shots were taken by Miss Tesa, I played with them a little but you can hardly see me standing about midway in the stack. ;)

Clicky for an, as Whimsy might say, "It's beautiful, Jesus would like it," enlarged view of the proceedings. (Quote from a gesture Ms. Winx uses, lol )

I also took a roaming view around the Cassiopeia Isle Sim, home of LVS, where a dollarbie hunt is going on. Most of the items are for the ladies but gentlemen will be pleased to find there's a noble gent's outfit (medieval looking) to match the noble maiden's and some tee shirts to match the one I'm wearing in these pictures below for 1L each.
In addition to the tee shirt, I'm wearing the Fedora from the ETD hunt as well as one of the pairs of shoes. My hair is from Armidi as is my skirt, and my flashy green nail polish is from The Body Politik. Fatpacks for the win ;) The tattoos are a dollarbie gift from Etchd in honor of St Patrick's Day. I'm also sporting one of the pairs of earrings given out by Alienbear, and if you have not gotten the third gift from Alienbear and Sparkle Skye, today is the last day to do it.
Okay, now we has picatures.

I was a little sad to see that the fedora does not fit my admittedly slightly oversized head too well, and that it does not stretch. Nevertheless, I thought it looked pretty darned kewl.
There are three choices in this tee shirt as mentioned above. I got a kick out of, "If you pinch me, I will punch you," but that seemed a bit militant for this blog. Sooo, I went with the "Play with my Lucky Charms" one instead.

I want to take a moment to say thanks to all the many, many generous designers who give out freebies on holidays, during special events and just every day. You really help make SL what it is and that's much appreciated <3
I am in love with these shoes and quite hope that Elika Tiramisu is able to release them in tons more colors. Even a new (male) friend of mine mentioned, "Cute shoes!" No, he did not ask me if I wanted to adjourn to the bedroom pose balls afterwards either!

To see more of my "Irish Day" pics, click over to my flickr page.
I have lots more to talk about. MODA, applying to fashion agencies, participating in contests, putting in a free changing room for our "Five Units in One" Luxury Skyhomes as mentioned here. That will have to wait. Now I need some fortifying lunch and those pink hearts and green clovers just aren't going to cut it!
Doh! This shows how busy I have been, I have not been getting my regular dose of fashionosity as I didn't realize the Hampton Wedge *Was* released in tons of colors. Sheesh, send me some fashion iv stat!
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